Monday, May 14, 2012

Table topper: Check

Finished the table topper for my mother's friend! The embroidery in the middle is a very elegant design, and it stitched out beautifully -- once again, I'm very satisfied with the folks at Urban Threads.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Odds & Ends

Working on a few ongoing projects...

Here are the yellow (yay!) squares for the Rainbow Challenge project I'm working on, along with May's Free-Motion Challenge motif. I like the concept of the "double stipple" but I probably should have practiced on paper a bit more first. It's OK, but I think this pattern could be really jazzed up with some loops or leaves crossing the first wide stipple. Also, it's harder to do a large-scale stipple than a small-scale, because I really have to move my arms to get those large movements across the piece. Gotta practice that some more.
Also, I finally finished one of the April blocks for the Craftsy block of the month. (I'll get caught up on all of these in June.) I liked the English paper piecing method so much that I'm drafting some paper templates for Penrose tiles. Many thanks to Karen for showing me how to invisibly applique these hexes onto the background!
Still to finish this week: Mom's table topper (top is stitched, just needs flannel back & a bit of quilting), architecture challenge, and Color Palette Challenge project. Plus, I need to prepare something to take on vacation with me.


My 10-year-old's birthday gift:

Love dem bones!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Starting a project for my mom

My mother asked me to make a circular table topper for a friend of hers; she wanted something that comes across as "Irish" although not necessarily completely shamrocky. I found a terrific fabric with a sort of Celtic knot pattern on clearance:

I decided on a very simple layout using the 9-degree wedge ruler, alternating the print with a fabric that has six gradated shades of green. Cutting complete:

Sewing to follow. I'm thinking of embroidering a nice celtic knot for the center circle. I'll just back it with some flannel so it will be floppy enough to hang nicely over the table edge. I hope it fits what my mom had in mind.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finished mold quilt

In the nick of time, the mold quilt is finished, and I am completely in love with how it turned out:
"I Do Like a Bit of Gorgonzola" (38 x 50") April 2012.
(Color Wave pattern, Fons & Porter Love of Quilting, Nov/Dec 2011)

I'm looking forward to working on May's color challenge, which is a bright and delicious feast for the eyes: